Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It has been fiercely hot here in the south, pretty much all summer, but more so this last couple of weeks.  Just watering the droopy plants in the garden is enough to work up a good sweat.  Which gets me thinking about something I've always wanted - an outdoor shower!  Like one of these babies...
Love the bamboo fence!
Love that corrugated metal!
Just love!

Love the real bamboo here!

Again with the corrugated metal - Love!
Interesting idea!
 There is something about being naked if only I could convince the boyfriend that we NEED one of these.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm so glad you did, and that I found yours!

    This post made me smile, because I've been thinking along these very lines, and even blogged about it! Great minds think alike, right? :)

