Thursday, May 19, 2011

what's new?

"There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.'
No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster."    ~ Dalai Lama

So maybe you've been wondering where I've been? Maybe not.  Maybe you're getting used to me being gone for periods of time and don't think a thing about it?  Well.  Here I am, none the worse for wear.  It's been a long and crazy week and a half, so I'm here to update you on the goings-on around here.

I've had some time on my hands (more about that later), so we finally got this done:

The gate was done a few months ago, but we just now finished the lattice fence on each side.

Can you see the wine bottle "fence" there on the left?  We drink wine fairly regularly, but it took over a year to save up all those bottles!

The raised beds we put in for the veggie garden seem to be doing the trick - we have a stellar harvest in store for us this year:

Three tomato plants.  Right now they each have about three dozen tomatoes on them - and that doesn't include the flowers.

Swiss Chard.  Two more weeks for the first harvest, then there should be another harvest 2 months later!

Yep.  That's a baby sized zuchini right there.  I'm doing a happy dance, because this is the first year, in this house, that I've been able to get anything from my zuchini.

Peppers.  Lots of them.  Lots of different kinds.

We had a toad orgy in the pond and the first Water Lily bloom - both on the same day:

You can't see the toads in this picture and you should be happy about that.  It's pretty gross.  There are hundreds of them with  lots of 3 on 1 action, and they make a horrible racket.  I don't think the fish approve, either.

And probably most importantly, but far and away not the best thing to happen recently - I got laid off.  I guess technically I'm not laid off, because I worked freelance (under contract - therefore no unemployment - sad face), but it was completely economically driven.  The company hit a real, big bump in the road, in terms of sales, about six months ago and they haven't recovered yet.  My boss thought he'd be able to get it righted, but it will take months (maybe longer), and I can't wait that long.  Yep, it's kinda scary.  But a couple of good things have happened because of it - my friends have circled around me, filling me with love, and caring, and positive thinking.  I've always known I have these fabulous friends, but sometimes it takes something like this to remind me of just how wonderful they really are. And how lucky I am.  I got a bit of a severence package, so I have a small amount of time to find something, but it's tough out there.  Wish me luck on that, would ya?

The other good thing is I've had more time for all the things I love to do, including this:

This pose is good for self confidence.  There are times when I could definitely use more self confidence (now).

Seriously - there is nothing better than an inversion to clear your head.

So, I'm spending my mornings online, connecting with people and looking for new opportunities, then from late afternoon on I'm in the garden or on my mat in class, clearing my head.  I haven't actually looked for a job in a very long time.  Most of the jobs I've had in my lifetime have been with or through people I know.  By the way - were you all aware that 99% of jobs posted on Craigslist are scams?  I found that out quickly.

I'll keep y'all posted!


  1. I love the new gate, especially the large beam above it. It's very zen.

  2. Hi Fabiana! Are you in Newport Beach? that's where I'm from! I've been living in NC for almost 20 years now (and love it), but I grew up in OC and lived in Newport most of my adult life! Small world, right?

  3. Love the gate! What a beautiful and peaceful design. And your garden looks great!

    I'm very sorry to hear about your job. I'm sure something bigger, better is in the works.

  4. Hey, I hope all is going better. I miss seeing you here. Thank you for your sweet comments earlier today. Thinking about you! Hugs!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your appreciation for what is really important in life is apparent in this post and refreshing. I think your unwavering strength and positivity will get you through.

  7. Hey there!

    Gosh I'm sorry to hear about your job, and sorry I'm nearly 2 months behind in saying so!

    I haven't been keeping up with my blog-reading lately because I, too, suddenly found myself unemployed at the end of May. The circumstances were a bit different - in fact I am receiving severance pay not to talk about the conditions (guilty much, former employer?) - but the result is the same.

    I'm glad to hear you're making the most of your free time. Choosing not to be miserable has helped me a lot, as I'm sure it is doing for you. In fact, I'm kind of enjoying my "summer vacation"...sounds like you are, too!

    I bet by now you're eating tomatoes fresh from your lovely garden. I got a late start on mine, but they're getting there. And I love your new gate. LOVE it.

    One more thing - is that YOU in those pictures? Holy Stromboli you're impressive! Go YOU! :)

