Monday, October 31, 2011


I know I won't have time to post today for Jane's (Small But Charming) Flower Party, so I posted this last night:

Just a few Mums and Daisies from the backyard, along with some Sweet Potato Vine, that I picked on Saturday morning for the breakfast table.

And then there's this...a gratuitous photo of Jack:

Nope, blindness doesn't stop him much.  He can still find his way to food every time!
Have a great Halloween y'all!  I am so looking forward to giving out candy to the kids tonight!


  1. Very cute photo of Jack. Nice to see him doing his thing!

  2. Can o' flowers, perfect.

    Jack eating from the dishwasher?


    Happy Halloween.

    xo Jane

  3. Do you need a dishwasher? Love the garden flowers in the tin, so simple but utterly charming. Happy Halloween, love Linda x

  4. Lobe you Jack! That nose guides you perfectly! Who needs to see with a schnoz like yours! Pretty flowers too!

  5. How cute, our Jack would break the dishwasher door if he tried that stunt! - Nice to see that you have flowers left in your garden.

  6. I have been wondering about Jack. Bless him!
